Sunday, January 2, 2011

Countdown - Last day of 2010 !

Okays, lets take a break from the korea trip ! XP
The next day of the Korea trip will be LONG. EVEN LONGER !

For my last day of 2010.
I spent 3/4 of the time at home.
Till 8+pm i left ! Baobao came to fetch me, took a cab to woodlands for our dinner ! OMG, my favourite place to eat LALA~
In cab:

This is the coffeeshop ! (:
Its located at woodlands ave 1 (:


baobao busy making the lala for me (: so sweet horh !

End results. I was famished ! ate so much ! XP
& for your info, the lala is empty if you cant see properly ! wanted another plate derhs, but decided to have dessert instead. XP
the dessert was disappointing, should have ordered lala again !

& baobao ordered another cheese prata ! his favourite over there.

took a walk & rested at some bus-stop !

Boabao carrying my bag (:

we continued our night walk then we saw fireworks !!
but din managed to take a pic of it, cos it was too sudden. xP like some fairytale suddenly have fireworks ! xP
i climbed up a hill to take a better view of the fireworks, cos i was "ahem" too short. (:

Next, we decided to take the MRT to yishun for our movie.
Nice movie ! (: SUPER FUNNY ! worth watching !
spent our countdown in the cinema & baobao whispered happy new year to me.

next stop : the bottle tree park !
& its quite smelly !
but its quite pretty over there, i would want to go again in the early evening ! (:
Wanted to call a cab to baobao's place but all was busy. so we walked all the way out !
It was so DARK & SCARY, i kept repeating : im so scared im so scared !
cos earlier on was a ghost movie.

Their signature bottle tree ! sorry it was too dark, this is the best pic i took with flash !

After all of those we went to a 24 hour shop & save to buy my make-up remover cos i didn't bring any.
bought the biore tissue thingy. quite handy, but not really very clean. have to wipe a many times & throughly. but still, very convenient lahs ! (:

I had a hard time uploading all the pics cos blogger said i have exceeded the free storage blah blah blah.
So i have to use photobucket instead.
upload my pics to photobucket via iphoto & then copy paste the html codes.
pretty lot of work huhs !


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